Welcome to the School of Linguadontics

Led by international speaker and trainer of myofunctional and multi-disciplinary dentists, Dr. Yue Weng Cheu, School of Linguadontics is an education portal that draws the link between tongue, airway and sleep and how that impacts one’s overall health.

In this digital driven age, now-common lifestyle habits have given rise to health and wellness concerns that are often affecting many parts of the body and it is difficult for healthcare professionals to pin down the root cause of the problems.

We believe that renewal and healing can be “wholistically” integrated and restored into the heart of everyday life – starting with your tongue functions. Yes, your tongue has the power to transform your way of living. That’s because it is so deeply connected with the way you breathe and live.

Watch Dr. Yue Weng Cheu explain about the tongue and its connection to sleep, oral health and posture.

The functions of the tongue are crucial to suckling, swallowing and breathing right from birth. The reflexes require a tongue-up position to perform these functions well.

Low tongue position due to habitual conditioning or physical restrictions like tongue tie will lead to a cascade of health issues.

Our Latest Course

School of Linguadontics

This masterclass consists of three parts where Dr Yue Weng Cheu talks about how to use myofunctional therapy and Orthodontics for the treatment of patients, from young children to the geriatric population, specifically in the treatment of Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD) and sleep related breathing disorders. He explains how wellness can be harnessed through the tongue and the importance of having a better understanding of the cranial nerves and how they control our cranial and survival reflexes.

School of Linguadontics

This is a course on how to use Myospots and the basic Myofunctional exercises that should accompany their use. Please enter your details and make the payment below.

Our Products

“In 2016, when I first started attending to infants for tongue tie release, the only tool available was the standard groove director that I was using for children and adults as well. I needed something more specific for my laser assisted frenotomy.

So I experimented with a few designs and materials and the first LinguaSTIK was born out of bamboo. The material is environmentally ‘more friendly’ than cheaper and easier-to-make plastics.

The bamboo is warmer to touch and babies, children and adults alike prefer the feel and texture. Users have also noted that the bamboo surface provides a better grip and tactile sensation when lifting and manipulating the tongue. The non reflective surface of the bamboo is also a plus point for laser release providers.

Through further understanding of the needs of researchers and providers for measuring and documentation of the tongue tie or restrictive frenum condition, indices were added to the device to create the LinguaSTIK PRO.”

“One key feature is the Range of Motion ROM scale. It is a key measurement for noting the restriction in mouth opening. Incorporating the ROM scale helps to eliminate the need for an extra measurement tool.

Another key feature of the LinguaSTIK PRO is the Kotlow’s Scale index, based on Dr Larry Kotlow Classification of Ankyloglossia.

The LinguaSTIK PRO also has a tongue depressor end to help you check the tonsils and also functions like a good myofunctional tool for tongue resistance training. It also measures Left Right deviation, has a free measure edge and most importantly, a tongue lifting tip.”

– Dr Yue Weng Cheu, Inventor of the LinguaSTIK and LinguaSTIK PRO

Product Highlights

LinguaStik LinguaStik Pro LinguaStik Pricing
School of Linguadontics is a a wholly-owned subsidiary of DP Healthverse Holdings PL. DP Healthverse Holdings PL is a progressive and purpose-driven healthcare group with a mission to provide people-centric care and solve problems at their root cause. Our brands include:

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